100+ Names That Mean Healer: Powerful Names for Boys & Girls

Throughout history, names have been more than just ways to identify someone. They carry deep meanings. Names that mean “healer” are especially significant. They show the importance of health and healing in different cultures.

These names often come from old languages and traditions where healers were essential. They were respected for their ability to treat illnesses and keep people healthy. These names usually refer to words for healing, medicine, or spiritual guidance. When parents pick a name that means “healer,” they hope their child will grow up compassionate and caring. It’s a way for them to meaningfully shape their child’s character that reflects their cultural heritage.

Boy Names That Mean Healer

30+ Boy Names That Mean Healer

Discover meaningful names that symbolize healing and care. These names carry a sense of compassion and strength, perfect for a nurturing and kind-hearted soul. Each name reflects a unique cultural heritage, offering a blend of timeless and profound significance.

NameEnglish MeaningPronunciation
AsaPhysician, healerAY-suh
RaphaelGod has healedRAF-ay-uhl / RAH-fie-uhl
ArvadWanderer, voyagerAHR-vad
JaisonGod is my salvationJAY-suhn
EnochDedicated, trainedEE-nok
ChironWise centaur, surgeonKY-ron
HaleHealthy, robustHAYL
JaylenJaybird, calmJAY-luhn
IsidroGifted, bountifulee-SEE-dro
LenusCeltic god of healingLEE-nuhs
SwithinStrong friendSWITH-in
GalenCalm, healerGAY-luhn
FaramondProtector of travelersFAR-uh-mond
IasonHealer (Greek form of Jason)EE-ah-son
HealeyClearing for healingHEE-lee
RemedioRemedy, curereh-MEH-dee-oh
SampsonSun child, brightSAMP-suhn
ArmanArmy man, strongAR-mahn
TheriusHunter, strongTHEER-ee-us
AnselmGod’s protectionAN-selm
MedwinStrong friendMED-win
ConradBrave counselKON-rad
EliezerGod is my helpel-ee-AY-zer
BonnarGentle, kindBAHN-er
TeiloDivine giftTAY-loh
CaduceusHerald’s staff, symbol of healingkuh-DOO-see-us
PomeroyApple orchardPOM-er-oy
BalfourVillage pastureBAL-fur
AlpheusSuccessor, leader of riversAL-fee-uhs
EusebioPious, devoutyou-SEH-bee-oh
HartwellStag streamHART-well
SolonWise legislator, sageSOH-lon

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Girl Names That Mean Healer

30+ Girl Names That Mean Healer

Names that carry the essence of healing have a special charm. They reflect kindness, strength, and a nurturing spirit. Choosing a name that means healer adds depth and significance to your child’s identity. Below is a curated list of meaningful girl names symbolizing healing and care.

NameEnglish MeaningPronunciation
AltheaHealer, wholesomeal-THEE-uh
RafaellaGod has healedrah-fah-ELL-uh
ArpinaRising, dawnar-PEE-nah
EirenePeaceeye-REE-nee or EE-ree-nee
ResedaA fragrant plant (mignonette)reh-SEH-duh
GalenaCalm, healer; also a mineral nameguh-LEE-nuh or gah-LAY-nuh
BrigidExalted one, strength, powerBRIJ-id or BREE-jid
EirPeaceEYE-er or AYR
IsisThrone; ancient Egyptian goddessEYE-sis
SaidaFortunate, happysah-EE-dah
AmaraEternal, grace, unfadingah-MAH-rah
LenoreLight, compassionleh-NOHR
ZenaidaLife of Zeuszeh-NAY-duh
AsclepiaAssociated with healing (Asclepius)ass-KLEE-pee-uh
SalvinaSavior, protectorsal-VEE-nuh
FiorellaLittle flowerfee-oh-REL-luh
ChalsaHarbor or safe havenCHAL-sah
MinervaWisdom, intellectmi-NER-vuh
MeloraGolden apple, sweetermeh-LOR-uh
IllyriaFrom the ancient region Illyriaih-LEER-ee-uh
SironaStar, healing goddess in Celtic mythologysih-ROH-nuh
IlariaCheerful, happyih-LAR-ee-uh
MirnaTender, gentleMEER-nuh
SoleneDignified, solemn; derived from the sunsoh-LEHN
AnahitaImmaculate, pure; Persian goddessah-nah-HEE-tah
DamaraGentle, kinddah-MAH-rah
HafsaGatherer, cubHAHF-sah

Unisex Names That Mean Healer

30+ Unisex Names That Mean Healer

Healing names carry deep meaning, offering strength and comfort. These unisex names embody the power to heal and mend, making them perfect for anyone seeking a name with purpose and grace. Explore timeless options rooted in cultures and languages worldwide.

ArinMountain of strength, enlightenedAH-rin / AIR-in
JalenCalm, sereneJAY-len
EderHandsome, flock (Basque/Spanish origin)EH-der
RafaComfort, healer (short for Rafael)RAH-fah
SaimaSafe, protected (Arabic origin)SIGH-mah
RemyOarsman (French origin)REH-mee
KiranRay of light (Sanskrit origin)KEE-rahn
AlonOak tree (Hebrew origin)AH-lohn
SalemPeace (Hebrew/Arabic origin)SAY-lem
LevonLion, heart (Armenian origin)LEH-von
MishaWho is like God? (Russian diminutive of Michael)MEE-sha
NavaBeautiful, pleasant (Hebrew origin)NAH-vah
ArielLion of God (Hebrew origin)AIR-ee-el / AH-ree-el
MilanGracious, dear (Slavic origin)MEE-lahn
RamiArcher (Arabic/Hebrew origin)RAH-mee
SionGod is gracious (Welsh origin) / Zion (Hebrew)SEE-on / ZYE-on
AmaniWishes, aspirations (Swahili/Arabic origin)AH-mah-nee
TaoWay, path (Chinese origin)TOW (rhymes with “how”)
ZivRadiance, brilliance (Hebrew origin)ZEEV
EllisBenevolent, kind (Welsh origin)EH-lis
ShilohPeace, tranquil (Hebrew origin)SHY-loh
EmeryIndustrious, powerful (German origin)EM-er-ee
ImranProsperity, populous (Arabic origin)IM-rahn
KaviPoet (Sanskrit origin)KAH-vee
ZenonGift of Zeus (Greek origin)ZEE-non
EvrenUniverse, cosmos (Turkish origin)EV-ren
NoorLight (Arabic origin)NOOR
OrinPine tree (Irish origin) / Light (Hebrew origin)OR-in
LiorLight for me (Hebrew origin)LEE-or
PaxPeace (Latin origin)PAKS
SamiElevated, high (Arabic origin)SAH-mee
RuneSecret, mystery (Old Norse origin)ROON
SkylerScholar (Dutch origin)SKY-ler
AmariStrength, builder (African/Yoruba origin)AH-mah-ree


As we’ve discussed names like Jason, Rafael, and Althea, it’s clear they’re more than just names. They reflect a deep respect for health and healing across many cultures and times. Naming someone can be a way to honor the healing qualities that a community values most. These names carry a history of caring and healing. They encourage those who have them to live up to these healing traits. Parents who choose these names might hope their child will help others. These names constantly remind us of the importance of healing in our lives.

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Ryan Dunn has a bunch of certificates on his desk. A few are awards for content production and marketing. Ryan still seeks to achieve. He would like to be a faster runner and higher jumper. He wants to read more books while somehow watching all the Cubs games possible. He would like to produce more written words–though not in this bio.

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