120+ Heavenly Japanese Names That Mean Angel (For Boys & Girls)

Japanese Girl Names That Mean Angel

Explore the beauty of Japanese culture with names that evoke grace and divinity. These angelic girl names symbolize purity, light, and the ethereal. Each name carries a timeless charm, connecting your child to heavenly elegance.

Japanese Girl Names That Mean Angel
AmaneSound of the heavensAh-mah-neh
TenkaFlower of the heavensTen-kah
HaneFeather or wingHah-neh
MioBeautiful cherry blossom or threadMee-oh
KahoFragrance or flowerKah-hoh
MegumiBlessing or graceMeh-goo-mee
RinDignified or coldRin
AsukaTomorrow’s fragrance or birdAh-soo-kah
MikaBeautiful fragranceMee-kah
ShionAster flower or remembranceShee-on
MisoraBeautiful skyMee-soh-rah
HarukaDistant or farawayHah-roo-kah
AiriLove and jasmineEye-ree
HikariLight or radianceHee-kah-ree
KohaneLittle featherKoh-hah-neh
AinaLove and affectionEye-nah
KiyoraPure and cleanKee-yoh-rah
AyakaColorful flowerAh-yah-kah
NozomiHope or wishNoh-zoh-mee
HinataSunflower or facing the sunHee-nah-tah
NanamiSeven seas or wavesNah-nah-mee
YurikoLily childYoo-ree-koh
SakiBlossom or bloomSah-kee
RukaBright or flowRoo-kah
ReinaWise or queenRay-nah

Japanese Boy Names That Mean Angel

Japanese Boy Names That Mean Angel

Discover unique Japanese boy names that carry the serene meaning of “angel.” Each name reflects grace, purity, and a touch of the divine. These names blend tradition and heavenly beauty, perfect for your little blessing.

Shouta“Big, soaring”SHO-tah
Kouta“Peaceful, great”KO-tah
Haruto“Sun, soaring”HA-roo-toh
Masaru“Victory, excellence”MAH-sah-roo
Rento“Refined, gentle”REN-toh
Reiji“Well-governed, courteous”REH-ee-jee
Kaito“Ocean, flying”KAH-ee-toh
Renji“Lotus, second son”REN-jee
Sorato“Sky, flying”SO-rah-toh
Takeru“Fierce, warrior”TAH-keh-roo
Asahi“Morning sun”AH-sah-hee
Shun“Fast, talented”SHOON
Taiki“Great radiance, hope”TAH-ee-kee
Arata“Fresh, new”AH-rah-tah
Aoto“Blue, flying”AH-oh-toh
Yuito“Gentle, tied together”YOO-ee-toh
Hayato“Falcon, swift person”HAH-yah-toh
Kei“Respect, blessing”KAY
Itsuki“Tree, independence”EET-soo-kee
Hinata“Sunny place, sunflower”HEE-nah-tah
Seiji“Righteous, just”SAY-jee
Koushi“Light, happiness”KOH-shee
Reito“Clear, flying”REH-ee-toh
Ryou“Cool, refreshing”RYOH

Japanese Last Names That Mean Angel

Japanese Last Names That Mean Angel

Discover the beauty and grace behind Japanese last names that symbolize “angel.” These names capture divine meanings, subtle elegance, and heavenly spirit. Each name reflects tradition and belief, offering a glimpse into Japan’s rich cultural tapestry.

AmakawaHeavenly RiverAh-mah-kah-wah
AmanoOf the HeavensAh-mah-noh
AmatsukiHeavenly MoonAh-mah-tsu-kee
HoshikawaStar RiverHo-shee-kah-wah
HoshimiStar ViewingHo-shee-mee
TenraiDivine ThunderTen-rah-ee
AmamoriHeavenly ProtectionAh-mah-moh-ree
AmatsuruHeavenly CraneAh-mah-tsu-roo
AmaboshiHeavenly StarAh-mah-boh-shee
TenkaBeneath HeavenTen-kah
KanameVital Point / PivotKah-nah-meh
AmatoriHeavenly BirdAh-mah-toh-ree
AmatsukaHeavenly TombAh-mah-tsu-kah
AmatsuharaHeavenly PlainAh-mah-tsu-hah-rah
AmamizuHeavenly WaterAh-mah-mee-zoo
TennoujiEmperor’s TempleTen-noh-jee
TenkaiHeavenly RealmTen-kah-ee
AmashiroHeavenly CastleAh-mah-shee-roh
AmawakaHeavenly YouthAh-mah-wah-kah
TenishiDivine WestTen-ee-shee
AmagawaHeavenly RiverAh-mah-gah-wah
AmayukiHeavenly SnowAh-mah-yoo-kee
AmakamiHeavenly DeityAh-mah-kah-mee
AmataniHeavenly ValleyAh-mah-tah-nee
TenhashiHeavenly BridgeTen-hah-shee
AmayaNight RainAh-mah-yah
TenouDivine KingTen-oh

Japanese Names That Mean Dark Angel

Japanese Names That Mean Dark Angel

Mystery, elegance, and a touch of shadow. These Japanese names capture the spirit of dark angels, blending beauty and darkness. Perfect for characters who walk the line between light and dark, these names evoke power, grace, and a hint of the unknown.

Japanese NameEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Yami TenshiDark AngelYAH-mee TEN-shee
Kurayami TenshiAngel of DarknessKoo-rah-YAH-mee TEN-shee
KagetenshiShadow AngelKAH-geh-TEN-shee
Ankoku TenshiAngel of DarknessAHN-koh-koo TEN-shee
Yoru HaneNight FeatherYOH-roo HAH-neh
ShikkokuJet BlackSHEEK-koh-koo
KurohimeBlack PrincessKOO-roh-hee-meh
YamikazeDark WindYAH-mee-KAH-zeh
KuragamiDark GodKoo-rah-GAH-mee
Ankoku no HimePrincess of DarknessAHN-koh-koo noh HEE-meh
Yoru TenshiNight AngelYOH-roo TEN-shee
KuroyuriBlack LilyKOO-roh-yoo-ree
HaganaiI Have No FriendsHAH-gah-nai
Yami no MikoShrine Maiden of DarknessYAH-mee noh MEE-koh
Kuroi KamiBlack Hair or Black GodKoo-ROH-ee KAH-mee
KurotsubasaBlack WingsKoo-roh-TSOO-bah-sah
MeitenshiFallen AngelMEH-ee-TEN-shee
Kurokami TenshiBlack-Haired AngelKoo-roh-KAH-mee TEN-shee
Kurai SeishinDark SpiritKoo-RAH-ee SAY-sheen
YamikuroDark BlackYAH-mee-KOO-roh
Enmu TenshiAngel of Fog or MistEHN-moo TEN-shee
Hateshi no TenshiEndless AngelHAH-teh-shee noh TEN-shee
Yoru no HikariLight of the NightYOH-roo noh HEE-kah-ree
Jishin YamiEarthquake DarknessJEE-sheen YAH-mee
Ankoku no TsubasaWings of DarknessAHN-koh-koo noh TSOO-bah-sah
KurotenshiBlack AngelKOO-roh-TEN-shee
Yoru no KurohaneNight’s Black FeatherYOH-roo noh KOO-roh-HAH-neh
Hakanai YamiFleeting DarknessHAH-kah-nai YAH-mee

Japanese Names That Mean Fallen Angel

Japanese Names That Mean Fallen Angel

Explore the mystique of names that embody grace and darkness. Each name here tells a story of beauty, rebellion, and melancholy. These Japanese names reflect the elegance of angels who have lost their wings but not their power.

Japanese TermEnglish MeaningPronunciation
Akuma no TenshiDemon AngelAh-koo-mah no Ten-shee
ReiraRare Beauty / BellReh-ee-rah
Tenshi KurohaBlack-Feathered AngelTen-shee Koo-roh-hah
Yoru no HaneNight’s FeatherYoh-roo no Hah-neh
Kurai TenshiDark AngelKoo-rah-ee Ten-shee
HakanaiFleeting / EphemeralHah-kah-nah-ee
KurobaraBlack RoseKoo-roh-bah-rah
MeianLight and DarknessMay-ahn
Arashi no TenshiStorm AngelAh-rah-shee no Ten-shee
TsukiyoMoonlit NightTsoo-kee-yoh
ShoukanSummon / SummoningShoh-kahn
HisameIce RainHee-sah-meh
MikaeriLooking BackMee-kah-eh-ree
Jigoku no HaneHell’s FeatherJee-goh-koo no Hah-neh
TsubakiCamellia (flower)Tsoo-bah-kee
KuroyukiBlack SnowKoo-roh-yoo-kee
RennaiRomantic LoveRehn-nah-ee
KokutanEbony (wood)Koh-koo-tahn
Kuroi TenshiBlack AngelKoo-roh-ee Ten-shee
ShousouFrenzy / ImpatienceShoh-soh
GurenCrimson LotusGoo-rehn
SousouEarly FrostSoh-soh
HazukiLeaf Moon (August)Hah-zoo-kee

Japanese Names That Mean Angel of Death

Japanese Names That Mean Angel of Death

Explore a collection of haunting yet beautiful Japanese names that embody the essence of the angel of death. Each name reflects power, mystery, and an ethereal darkness steeped in cultural meaning.

ShinigamiDeath GodShee-nee-gah-mee
MeiDark, ShadowMeh-ee
KuraiGloomy, DarkKoo-rah-ee
AnriDark JasmineAhn-ree
MikageShadow of the SoulMee-kah-geh
KuraishiroDark CastleKoo-rah-ee-shee-roh
ReikaGhost FlowerRay-kah
ShizukaSilent, QuietShee-zoo-kah
JiaiTragic LoveJee-ah-ee
KurohaneBlack FeatherKoo-roh-hah-neh
YureiGhost, SpiritYoo-ray
AnkokuDeep DarknessAhn-koh-koo
KurotakaBlack HawkKoo-roh-tah-kah
SetsunaMomentary, EphemeralSeht-soo-nah
ShoushiLittle DeathShoh-shee
KamikuroBlack GodKah-mee-koo-roh

The Role of Angels in Japanese Mythology and Culture

In Japanese mythology, angels called Tennin and Bosatsu are like celestial beings representing purity, enlightenment, and compassion. These characters are a big part of Japan’s culture, appearing in religious texts, art, and everyday customs. Tennin are usually shown as mystical beings with flowing robes and halos, showcasing their divine nature and connection to higher spiritual realms. They’re celebrated for their purity and enlightenment, valued in Japanese culture.

On the other hand, Bosatsu are all about the journey to becoming a Buddha, focusing on the importance of compassion and putting others first. They stay in the mortal world to help others reach enlightenment, showing a deep cultural appreciation for helping and serving others.

Bosatsu’s presence in religious practices and teachings highlights their role as protectors and mentors for people. Tennin and Bosatsu play a significant role in Japanese festivals and public events, where they are celebrated through various rituals and artistic displays. These celebrations do more than just honor these celestial beings; they also show how important they are to spiritual practices and how they shape the cultural values and identity of the community.


Reflecting on how Tennin and Bosatsu shape Japanese culture shows the profound impact of angels on society’s values and beliefs. These celestial figures aren’t just spiritual guides; they help shape culture through names, art, and religious practices.

Naming children after angels, like Tenshi or Hikari, aims to fill young lives with purity, protection, and enlightenment. In Japanese festivals and art, these heavenly beings are often featured, showing deep respect that goes beyond simple mythology. These events are not just for show; they are community expressions of shared values and collective goals, inspired by angelic virtues.

Stories, too, play a key role. They weave tales around these guardians, strengthening their place in cultural consciousness. Today, angels still hold a significant place in Japanese culture, merging historical spirituality with modern values. As symbols of love, guidance, and moral strength, they continue to influence and shape society, showing their lasting impact.

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Ryan Dunn has a bunch of certificates on his desk. A few are awards for content production and marketing. Ryan still seeks to achieve. He would like to be a faster runner and higher jumper. He wants to read more books while somehow watching all the Cubs games possible. He would like to produce more written words–though not in this bio.

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